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Pastors'/Ministers Parking

  • Tuesday, April 22, 2014 2:55 PM
    Message # 1542000

    I would like some information about how the Pastors'/Ministers parking is done at your facility if your charge for parking. Our biggest problem is there is not good way the verify who is or who is not a Minister.  Therefore     everyone wants there parking ticket stamped.



  • Wednesday, April 23, 2014 7:57 AM
    Reply # 1542258 on 1542000
    Deleted user
    We have codes that the volunteers use to get out of the parking deck, this is what the minister use, but in order to get the code the minister must sign in take a badge then return the badge and he gets the code to get out.  This has to be a paid minister.
    Last modified: Thursday, April 24, 2014 8:31 AM | Deleted user
  • Wednesday, April 23, 2014 8:22 AM
    Reply # 1542269 on 1542000
    Deleted user
    Our parking lot uses tokens.  Ministers are given a code to get out of the gate if they park in visitor parking.  We also have parking stickers in a special for ministers which allows them to park in employee parking.
  • Friday, April 25, 2014 12:58 PM
    Reply # 1543453 on 1542000
    Deleted user
    Our frequent flyers (those pastors/ministers who are here most) are given a Minister badge and they just have to show it when they leave the garage.  Other ministers who inquire about parking at the information desks are directed to our office and they sign the parking ticket sheet with their information , they take a free parking ticket and get to pass "GO" but without collecting the $200.  There have been a few times when we wondered about the authenticity of the "pastor" but we don't have a screening process.  We are in an area where a new church pops up every day.

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