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Society for Healthcare
Volunteer Leaders

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SHVImpact Award 


This award recognizes a Volunteer Services Program or Retail Management Program for outstanding contributions and professionalism in the field of Healthcare Volunteer Administration. Presented by the Board of Directors of the Society for Healthcare Volunteer Leaders, the SHVL Impact Award recognizes one program/organization of SHVL for efforts which have:

• Made a positive significant impact to the healthcare organization and/or the state or local communities which are served by the organization,
• Upheld high standards for volunteer/retail management engagement and effectiveness through a professionally managed volunteer/retail management program; contributed to the increase of patient satisfaction scores and/or employee satisfaction, and/or
• Multiplied community resources available through the healthcare organization.

Nomination and Selection Process:
Anyone from the healthcare organization or a current SHVL member can submit a packet for the SHVL Impact Award. (i.e., nominations may be submitted by volunteer(s), auxiliary leaders, administrators, spouses, etc.). Judging and selection will be conducted by a panel of professionals who are members of the SHVL Impact Award Committee. The Chair of the Award Committee will report the winner to the SHVL President by the first day of the month preceding the annual conference.

Impact Award Nomination Submission Form: 
The Impact Award Nomination Submission Form must be completed in its entirety with supporting documentation. Information provided within a nomination should show how the nominated program/service has:

  • Had a significant and positive impact on the healthcare organization and/or community.
  • Displayed a meaningful commitment of time and effort that has resulted in a significant contribution to the field of Volunteer Administration/Retail Management success.
  • Enhanced the volunteer/retail experience and/or increased engagement in the community through the creation of innovative programs or services.
  • Inspired and utilized the volunteers’ efforts and accomplishments to focus on addressing a specific community need (detail who the service/program impacted, how the service/program impacted these people or the community and propelled the program forward in the organization, and why the nominee deserves special recognition for leadership of this effort).
  • Demonstrated acts of personal generosity and kindness and encouraged others to become involved in volunteer services, facilitated unification of diverse groups to assist with the organization’s needs.

All nomination materials must be completed and received by Awards chair by the deadline date stated on the nomination form which will change annually based on conference date for the current year.  

Required materials include:

1. The completed “Official Nomination Form” with contact information.
2. The descriptive narrative statement regarding why the nominated program/service deserves this recognition.
3. Any supporting materials. Supporting materials may be no more than 5 pages (front and back) and may include pictures; news clippings; pamphlets; letters of reference/appreciation from volunteers, administrators, hospital employees, and/or community leaders, etc. Anything over 5 pages will be discarded. Please do not submit display materials, films, or scrapbooks, as they will not be considered. If mailed, supporting material must be no larger than 8.5” by 11”. All submitted materials become the property of SHVL and will not be returned. Any submitted materials may be used in the presentation ceremony. Materials may be scanned and sent electronically as a PDF document(s) but, again, should be no greater than 5 pages in size or no larger than a 30MB file. Audio or video files may be considered, but please contact the Award Chair before sending these materials.

Presentation of the Award:
Announcement of the award recipient will be made during the Annual SHVL Educational Conference. This prestigious award will be presented by the President of SHVL and representatives of the SHVL Board of Directors.

The Impact Award recipient will provide a brief (no greater than five minutes) overview presentation of the winning program during the award presentation. 

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*For the best online experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. If you are using Google Chrome and are experiencing issues, please try accessing our website from a non-hospital computer. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us using the email address above. 

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