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Society for Healthcare

Volunteer Leaders

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Verifying Volunteer Service Hours

  • Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:00 PM
    Message # 1438559

    I would appreciate hearing from any of you who have a policy about verifying volunteer hours.  Do you ask for a certain amount of time or number of hours before you will provide verification?  Only for students, or for any volunteer?

    Also, do you require a volunteer to meet a certain level of service before providing them with copies of TB test results, background checks, etc - anything your hospital paid for?

  • Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:32 PM
    Reply # 1438574 on 1438559
    Deleted user
    Yes, volunteers must give at least 30 hours of service before we give any of the things you mentioned. 
  • Friday, November 15, 2013 9:19 AM
    Reply # 1439122 on 1438559
    Carol Biagini (Administrator)

    We do not have a policy regarding providing verification of hours.  If hours verification is needed, I print it out and sign it for the individual as a courtesy.  Most all have contributed many hours.  Rarely am I asked for copy of the TB results, except for a few of the students.  I have reduced the number of students as many had their own agenda of class requirements (30 hours for health promotions - this was not cost effective for the hospital).  I now ask students for a one year commitment or don't take them on.  If a students requests a copy of their back ground check (which the hospital pays for) I will provide it as requested.  At year end very few of my volunteers ask for a print out of their hours for tax filing, but, those that do receive it gratefully.

  • Friday, November 15, 2013 11:07 AM
    Reply # 1439188 on 1438559
    We verify hours for students for school as a courtesy, we ask for a six month committment , 4 hours a week,and if they quit before that we will not give them a verifiation and we tell them that up front. i have enver had anyone ask for TB results or background check copies but would oblige if needed.

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